In the beginning… The story of Backoops

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Ey-up, 'ow thi' doin'?
(That's "hello, how are you?" for the non-Yorkshire folk)

Karl and Dean from Backoops here, we just thought it would be nice to give you a little bit of background about us and why we set up Backoops.

In the beginning...

It all started around 27 years ago in North Lincolnshire where we first bumped into each other at secondary school where we found that we both had a mutual admiration for computers and technology. Fast forward a few years to when we were both at college (2000) and we were both playing about making websites and found we needed somewhere to host them having outgrown what free web space from our internet service providers.

Having both tried a few web hosting companies, and to be honest finding they were all pretty poor, we had light bulb moment in April 2000; We both knew there needed to be something better than what was available followed by that famous thought, “How hard can it be?”, and so we got started on our first venture KDA Web Services which we are still running to this day and that Backoops is ultimately part of.

So why Backoops?

Being the community minded person he is, Karl helps out at a few local village organisations where he lives, one of them is his local parish council and would you believe it much the same thing happened again; One day he was tasked with finding a good backup provider to protect the server and PCs within the offices and after trawling the internet for hours he could not find a suitable provider;  Everyone wanted to take his details and provide a quote in a few days and/or some long winded demonstration and we all know what happens then, the never ending sales calls until you change your phone number.

Karl also asked Dean if he could take a look to make sure he was not missing something but Dean had the same issues and could not believe the amount of companies that didn't even have a telephone number easily accessible, if they had one at all;  Then it happened again the light bulb flicked back on and the idea for Backoops was born, this was in 2015.

Since we first had the idea we have spent time evaluating the software available, including what we already used to protect our hosting customers, which we found to be unsuitable for what we wanted Backoops to become.  In 2018 we finally found a system we were happy with and began much more extensive testing, followed by moving our existing customers over to the Backoops system;  Only then were we ready and happy to bring Backoops to life.

But aren’t you just another data backup company?

No, we provide total protection for your data, so hopefully you won’t need your backups very often.

We do not want to be just another backups company, we are the backup and data protection company; We set ourselves 4 simple goals to achieve this:

  1. Provide the best customer service and experience as without customers we don't even have a business.
  2. Simple pay as you go pricing; No call for a quote; All our pricing upfront and open; No long term contracts; No lengthy drawn out sales process, just advice if you need it.
  3. Be the one stop data protection service. We want you to be able to protect your data and backup your entire IT system and cloud services on one system. This means you can see all your backups from servers to mobiles to cloud services all in one place along with their current protection state.
  4. Make it easy. We wanted to make sure that backups are as easy to set up and manage as they could possibly be, so even an IT novice can get the protection their business needs.

We believe that if we stick to their 4 simple goals we can provide the best service in the UK to protect your vital data. We're so confident in our service that you can try us completely free for 30 days.

Explain the Backoops name to me

Dean has to take the credit for the name, in a moment of gym related inspiration.  It's a play on words:

  • The whole ideal of our service is that we can get your data Back when it gets deleted (oops), Back from your oops, Backoops
  • We've been based in South Yorkshire since 2009 and Backoop sounds a bit like Backup in a Yorkshire accent.

There we have it, a brief history of Backoops, 20 years in the making.

Signatures of Karl Austin & Dean Krause